Computer Science Class 11th Syllabus
Computer Science Class 11th
Syllabus Based on Jharkhand Board Council, Ranchi
Computer Sicence
A computer is a machine that can store and process information. Most computers rely on a binary system, which uses two variables, 0 and 1, to complete tasks such as storing data, calculating algorithms, and displaying information.
-Abhay Kumar
Computer Science
1. Computer Fundamentals
2. Software Concept
3. Operating System
4. Number System
5. Microprocessor
6. Memory and Input Devices
7. Programming methodology
8. Problem Solving: Methodology and Technology
9. Overview of C++
10. Input and Output in C++
11. Operation in C++
12. Control Statement in C++
13. Device and Character I/O
14. Library function and Feader Files
15. Function in C++
16. Arrays in C++
17. String Heading in C++
18. Data Structure in C++